Sexual intercourse is sacred. Meaningful. Personal. Expressive. Intimate. The list goes on.

Sex isn’t a casual experience, but the new ‘modern’ way of life has led us to accept “casual sex” and lack of commitment as the norm.

The value of abstinence is priceless and can certainly preserve your heart and health!

The word abstinence itself simply means to abstain.

In the context of relationships and personal health, this would mean restraint from participating in indulging sexual activities that invoke the responsibility of giving and/or receiving pleasure.

Physical Health Benefits

  • STI Prevention: STI stands for sexually transmitted infection. These infections can be bacterial, viral, or parasitic. Common examples are gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, etc.

The only way to eliminate your risk of STIs and pregnancy is to wait to have sex until you

are in a committed, monogamous relationship, such as marriage.

The Center for Disease Control estimates that each year there are 20 million new cases of STI/STD infections, and half of those are found in 15–24-year-olds.

  • Avoiding unplanned pregnancies: Although children are viewed as great, adorable, harmless beings, an unplanned pregnancy can cause you to view the child as an unintended consequence. This crossroad is avoided all together when abstaining from sexual intercourse.

Emotional and Mental Health Benefits:

  • Reducing emotional stress: Abstinence can reduce anxiety related to sexual relationships, placing all focus on the emotional and intellectual connection in your relationship.
  • Fostering healthy relationships: A great way to build trust and security in relationships is by demonstrating respect for each other’s boundaries and values—abstinence is a gateway.
  • Preventing regret: Abstinence can help you to avoid feelings of regret or guilt that may arise from engaging in sexual activity before you are emotionally or spiritually ready.

Practical Tips for Practicing Abstinence:

  1. Set and maintain boundaries in the beginning – Make an intentional decision to practice abstinence and build the confidence & sense of control over your body and choices.
  2. Find support – Maybe this is an accountability partner.
  3. Avoid situations in which intimate affection can lead to passion.

Are you considering starting your abstinence journey? We are here to support you every step of the way. We offer a range of free services to help you make informed and uplifting choices for your health and well-being.  Contact us at 336-629-9988 by calling or texting to learn more.
